
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Rolando;” ,找到相关结果约1465条。
Mineralogical Characterization of Sieved and Un-Sieved Samples  [PDF]
Rolando Lastra, William Petruk
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering (JMMCE) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/jmmce.2014.21007
Abstract: Mineralogical characterization applied to mineral processing is now widespread. The first step for a mineralogi- cal characterization study is usually size fractionation. Preparation of polished sections is done on size fractions to reduce complications in making representative cross sections of particles with large size differences. A sample is commonly fractionated into five or six size intervals. The drawback of this procedure is that it makes liberation studies more expensive, because one sample actually produces five or six sub-samples that need to be studied, i.e. one from each size interval. Thus to reduce cost of liberation studies, it would be desirable to study the un-sized sample. This paper provides a comparative liberation study of a set of samples both using size fractions and using the un-sized samples. The samples studied are the feed, the concentrate and the tails of a lead rougher flotation circuit. The results consistently show significant differences between the sized and the un-sized samples. Nevertheless, the results indicate that un-corrected liberation data from un-sized samples can be used for comparative studies that involve several related samples. Thus, it is possible to improve (or further understand) a concentrator circuit by using mineralogical data from un-sized samples around such circuit.
Thinking about Aging: Experience, Identity and Meaning among an Elderly Population in the Philippines  [PDF]
Rolando C. Esteban
Advances in Aging Research (AAR) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/aar.2015.45015
Abstract: The paper aims to know the idioms that the elderly use to describe and make sense of their experience of aging. It is based on ethnographic data gathered through the in-depth interview of 30 normal and community dwelling elderly in Marikina City, Metro Manila, Philippines in 2012-2013. The participants were chosen through compulsive sampling from the registry of 1385 senior citizens screened free from dementia. Their age ranged from 60 to 90 years, regardless of social class, gender, ethnicity, religion and other indices of difference. The interviews were transcribed, verbatim, and coded for the idioms, their meanings and contexts in which the elderly used them. The elderly communicate in idioms, which maybe basic to denote identity that obtains from aging or secondary in that they develop from the basic ones and help define identity further. The idioms relate to either continuity or discontinuity theory of aging or help rationalize what it means to be human and elderly.
Effects of Collectors and Frothers on Copper and Molybdenum Coarse Particle Recoveries—A Statistical Approach  [PDF]
Tony Di Feo, Rolando Lastra
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering (JMMCE) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/jmmce.2019.73009
Abstract: Typically, coarse dense mineral particles greater than 150 μm are difficult to float, and the recovery decreases progressively. Various physical parameters can be manipulated in an attempt to increase the recovery. These physical parameters are the following: liberation, turbulence in the flotation cell, pH, collector, frother type and dosage. The testwork discussed in this paper was performed for a copper-molybdenum operation that is experiencing coarse particle (>150 μm) losses in the tails. This operation uses Diesel No. 2 fuel and sodium ethyl xanthate for molybdenum and copper flotation, respectively and X-133 frother. In an attempt to increase coarse particle recovery, stronger collectors (potassium amyl xanthate, Aero 249 and Aero 3501) and frothers (FrothPro 618, FrothPro 630 and FrothPro 706) were used. The analysis was performed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) approach. The conditions required by the ANOVA method were met. The results showed that the collector potassium amyl xanthate (PAX) with frothers X-133 and FrothPro 630 resulted in approximately 3% increase in copper rougher recovery relative to the baseline (sodium ethyl xanthate and X-133). The collectors and frothers did not have a significant effect on molybdenum recovery within the dosage limits investigated.
Identidad, intercambio y aventura en el Alto Neuquén
Intersecciones en antropolog?-a , 2009,
Abstract: this article examines how chileans living in the western andes are thought of by the crianceros (transhumanance shepherds) who live in the alto neuquén, (argentinean patagonian). it is observed that the principle of indiscernible operates in the classificatory and self-classificatory systems of these groups: the ascriptive categories cannot be discerned or distinguished from one another and multiply ad infinitum. a superposition and continuity of identities is manifested rather than an opposition between argentineans, chileans, mapuche, and so on. these forms appear when ascriptive categories are analyzed in action rather than in models. it is shown that such ambiguity and superposition of identities is also made manifest in ambiguous and superposed moral judgments of chilean shepherds by argentinean shepherds, especially in relation to trade in livestock, horse robbery and smuggling.
Emoción, Teoría Social y Estructura Social
Frónesis , 2007,
Abstract: in his book emotion, social theory, and social structure (cambridge university press, 2001), the author, jack m. barbalet, reader in sociology at the australian national university, takes sociology in a new direction. it examines key aspects of social structure using afresh understanding of the categories of emotions. through this synthesis, original perspectives on rationality, class structure, social action, conformity, basic rights and social change emerge. in addition to giving an innovative view of social processes, j.m. barbalet′s study reveals littleconsidered aspects of emotions such as fear, resentment, vengefulness, shame and confidence in the context of social structure. while much has been written about the social consequences of excessive and pathological emotions, this book demonstrates the centrality of emotions in routine social interactions. dr. barbalet also re-evaluates the nature of social theory. as the importance of emotions in social processes is revealed more clearly, the intellectual constitution of sociology, as well as its history, must be rethought.
Inteligencia intuitiva de Malcolm Gladwell
Frónesis , 2007,
Abstract: in his book blink. the power of thinking without thinking, the author, malcolm gladwell, using the latest knowledge in the fields of psychology and neurology and a fresh and entertaining style, answers questions such as: why are some people brilliant at making decisions and others are not? why do some follow their instincts and succeed while others always end up taking false steps? what is the real brain process involved in performance at work (be it operating room, court of law or symphony orchestra), at school, in the kitchen or in bed? intuitive intelligence reveals that those who are good at making decisions are not those who process more information or dedicate more time to deliberations, but those who have perfected the craft of making fine connections, of extracting a few factors that are really important from a web of variables in only a fraction of a second. this is what gladwell calls, echoing psychologist t. wilson, calling on our adaptive unconscious.
El turista: Un nuevo agente en la fiestas rurales neuquinas, Argentina
Estudios y perspectivas en turismo , 2009,
Abstract: in this article two religious festivities will be compared: san sebastian de las ovejas and our lady of lourdes, in ailinco, both held in the province of neuquen, argentina's patagonia. this relationship comparison will show different levels and intensities that took place in the catholic church and provincial policies; particularly due to the promotion tourism development has received in the region during the last years. on the other hand, the heterogeneity of actors (priests, politicians, devotees, etc.) and of interests (economic, tourist, religious, etc.) of both events show its multiple facets, many time enhanced or constrained by the own actors. finally, the analysis of the organization and the meaning of this celebration will agree to thing about certain categories such as tradition/innovation or conflict/harmony.
San Sebastián de Las Ovejas: pureza perdida y revitalización en el norte neuquino (Argentina)
Silla, Rolando;
Horizontes Antropológicos , 2003, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-71832003000100008
Abstract: in this article we trace the changes undergone by the cult and festival of san sebastian in las ovejas, neuquén, near the chilean border, over recent years. there have been a series of transformations intimately related to institutional changes in the catholic church, to argentine political and economic life and to local and regional processes. the democratic reopening since 1983 and the almost simultaneous economic integration project for the southern cone, called mercosur, meant the opening of two relatively closed national economies and their gradual integration into a single market, aiming at higher competitiveness and access to international markets. the latter requires international borders to become more permeable. the heterogeneity of actors (priests, politicians, devotees, etc.) and interests (economic, tourist, religious, etc.) involved in the festival indicate its multi-vocal nature. the origin of the celebration is linked to the severing of trans-andean relations towards mid 20th century. san sebastian?s devotion comes as a mediator between local and argentine national belonging, its chilean past and institutionalization under the catholic church. an analysis of the organization and meaning of the celebration allows us to reflect upon certain classical and apparently antagonistic anthropological categories, such as tradition and innovation, conflict and harmony.
La experiencia estética del movimiento: Relatos de mujeres formadas en la danza en la ciudad de Neuquén
La aljaba , 2006,
Abstract: the goal of this presentation is to enquire into the elements that constitute the aesthetic experience of movements, specially, the dimension of the movements in the dance language of women from neuquén. it is intended in particular to analyze the reasons that derive in the adventure of working and training for the definition of movements clearly inscribed in the aesthetic dimension, not only to know the main aspects of this experience, the way in which those activities are called and formed; that is, how is that certain forms of dance establish themselves in the society of neuquén, form supporter groups and active participants, and the people that constitute themselves as referents of new forms of expressions with the body are women, but also to know how through the use of body language, the women from neuquén communicate the social experience of gender. this enquiry sticks to the open interview and in depth of two direct representatives of modern dance in the city of neuquén and the observation of dance classes in the stages of school and of composition of performance for the professional staging. this enquiry will let us know, in an even more representative portion, more about the conception of the body, the aesthetic, work and relaxation, in the choice of body activities of the women of neuquén.
Magallania (Punta Arenas) , 2009, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-22442009000200009
Abstract: the analytical translation of vernacular knowledge expressed in an interview of a peasant woman done during fieldwork in alto neuquén is presented. in this interview we appreciate the reflection done around her memory of the migrations of her antecessors from chile to argentina. the consequences of these events have special reference to practices and ideas that should have been incorporated to an argentinean national culture. this is evident when she narrates her fidelity to the local saint as much as to the provincial political party. related to these events, a native theory about power, politics and religion can be found. this marks the way in which facts and events can be constructed in one dialogue. in this sense the woman proves to be a "practical sociologist" where the "real" is described and constructed starting from this dialogue.

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